Check your Privilege

Most of the well known writers and speakers in education are white men. It’s been like that since I began writing education books, more than 15 years ago, and it’s still that way now. Although I can easily collect 100 female education authors by doing a shout out on Twitter, I still see mostly white male authors in book reviews, and in the press. This is not to blame the white guys; it’s not their fault. It is a bit bizarre, though, given that teaching is a majority female profession. And it’s also a shame. Because if the blogs we follow, the books we review and the people we quote are mostly one gender/race, then we miss a trick. We don’t get to hear different voices.

The amazing Nancy Gedge has just won TES Teacher Blogger of the Year (go Nancy!!!). Cherryl has just signed a book contract with Bloomsbury. I’ve been reading Bennie Kara’s The New Stateswoman’s blog – a must read/must follow. The amazing Iesha Small and wonderful Debra Kidd are both clearly going places. And Vivienne Porritt is coordinating a Women in Education event. Amjad Ali is doing great things and so is Laura Henry. If you really want to hear different voices, there are plenty of them out there. You just have to unplug your ears, open your mind, and check your privilege at the door.

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6 Responses to Check your Privilege

  1. nancy says:

    Thank you Sue, and yes. One of the things that most touches me at the moment is the way that Down’s syndrome, and through it learning disability and SEND are listened to, taken notice of, not ignored.
    I need a sleep-and then a little reflect!


  2. Thanks, Sue for the mention and well said! 🙂


  3. Thanks, Sue, for the shout out!

    Great blog to raise awareness!


  4. Hi! Thank you for the mention Sue. Agree with you word for word!


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